Ciprian Chelariu fondatorul Izotec

Get to Know Your Partner:
Ciprian Chelariu

Have you ever started a collaboration only to end up disappointed?
This time, take an informed decision!

izotec parteneriat tamplarie pvc

Perhaps you would like to work with a trustworthy entrepreneur who:

  • is open to new ideas, opportunities, and technologies
  • actively engages in the business they’ve built and in collaborations
  • is visionary and looks towards the future
  • invests in people and prioritizes their team
  • upholds high professional and personal standards
  • demonstrates respect for business partners
  • views success as a team effort
  • maintains balanced optimism and takes calculated risks
  • shows initiative and takes responsibility
  • listens, learns, guides, and motivates
  • keeps promises, is honest, and lets actions speak
  • possesses experience and shares it with those they work with, for the benefit of all

What Ciprian says…

… about businesses:

We’ve moved the numbers behind what we truly desire. We want to be a benchmark, to become a business model for companies in Romania. If you’re always looking to win, in the end, you’ll lose. We, as entrepreneurs, need some reference points. We’re human; we sometimes wander off the path. We need moral and spiritual support to move forward, to continue the struggle of building the future. Romanian entrepreneurs need clearer and more concrete guidance in these times. I believe that for Romania to escape its current position of medium and below-average incomes, it needs Romanian businesses, Romanian capital.”

Don’t think that the road is always smooth and only goes uphill. It also requires a lot of patience. We all want houses, cars, and fame overnight. We don’t wait for adversity to strike. We’re talking about serious things, about challenges, but we look towards the future, focusing on the positive things we can do, the things I can do. Now, more than ever, the fate of others depends on each of us, and their families. After this period, the business environment will not be the same – everything we’re thinking about now will change, to a greater or lesser extent. In business, if you don’t get results or if you don’t deliver on time, it’s only a matter of time before bankruptcy. And you can enter a very ugly downward spiral with significant losses in your personal life.”

“It’s a struggle, and yes, I need to be optimistic! I need this anchor of optimism, the confidence that we can make a difference in the Romanian business environment and in Romanian society. Changing mentalities in a market or changing the image of Romanian companies in the international market is what motivates us the most. Many Romanians who are good professionals and would like to do more for society lack visibility and are poorly connected. Success stories are not portrayed correctly, saying: this is the way, trust it! The road is hard but beautiful.”

I would like the window to be an investment. I want the consumer to perceive it that way, to feel it that way. I want them to see it as an investment for decades. Given that the windows we produce represent a rational investment, in line with savings and the potential for rapid return on investment, we are convinced that this is the winning solution in the long run. That’s why those of us in this industry have a responsibility to contribute to raising awareness of the importance of the quality of window and door systems, as mere cost-cutting, by reducing comfort, is not a viable solution. Especially now, we, the industry professionals, should educate the market and focus on the final product, with its proven benefits and concrete performance.”

We have constantly sought to have a close relationship with our customers and to help them adapt to new conditions. We have insisted on respecting simple principles and rules that allow us to work as efficiently as possible, given the challenging global context. This includes launching orders on time, adhering to payment conditions, differentiating treatment and phased order placement for major real estate projects, and maintaining a close relationship with the allocated Izotec Group representatives. Although it is difficult to predict how the national and global economic environment will evolve, one thing is certain: we will do everything possible to find the best solutions to provide quality products in the best possible time, given this challenging context.”

… about innovation:

“We have expectations of leading a beautiful, abundant, fulfilling life, but we are living in the present with what was new 20 years ago. We don’t understand our role as entrepreneurs. We had an idea at the beginning; we saw things differently from how few others did. But that’s not enough. We should be like that every day. We need to create the future every day.”

“We somehow think that innovation is something extraordinary, something that no one has ever invented. However, innovation typically comes from combining what one person did with what another person did, placing everything in a different context, connecting them in a different way, resulting in a new idea. We constantly strive to pave the way, big or small, in this industry. Through our philosophy, we innovate constantly, whether it’s processes or products; we are obligated to innovate.”

Experience is not enough. It’s useless to be an entrepreneur for 20 years and do things the same way without continuous and rapid improvement. If you’ve been doing the same thing for 20 years, you have no experience. I always tell my team that mankind has reached the moon and is preparing to colonize other planets because there were people who understood the need to prepare for the future. We always keep an open mind and believe that innovation is the best way we can evolve and write our future, as we desire it, to become a benchmark of excellence in business and a model for Romanian companies in the PVC window industry.”

“If we all look in the mirror, it may seem that we look good… perhaps even beautiful… when, in fact, an outside perspective can help us correct and improve parts of ourselves. I started in the period when we grew overnight, like Jack and the Beanstalk, and I’ve reached the point where I have the patience to see management measures implemented that yield results, perhaps in 2 years. Times have changed, and Romanian entrepreneurship is still in its infancy, and we certainly don’t have the experience to go through economic booms and, especially, recessions; that’s why we need tools from external entities.”

… about quality:

“Together with Fereastra (The Window) magazine and the IFT Rosenheim Institute, we participated in the creation of the first technical manual in our field, in Romanian. Izotec Group is the company that supported the creation of the first professional installation guide for windows in Romania. This is extremely important for our industry because 50% of a window’s quality is represented by its installation. We’re honored to be alongside European multinationals and pleased to be on the front page of this manual. We aim to continue setting the tone in this field.”

“We’re proud to be one of the companies that set the trend in the Romanian window manufacturing industry. We are the first company in the country to obtain CE marking certification from the renowned IFT Rosenheim Institute in Germany. The first window in Romania with CE marking was produced in Piatra Neamț. It wasn’t just a mark; it was certified by the most renowned European window verification institute. They are the pioneers of this industry; every year, they tell us that we are among the top 10% window manufacturers and that we are doing exceptionally well in the German market. This means we have the opportunity to sell our products in European markets, not just in Romania. This means that, annually, a team from Germany comes to inspect our production, from small screws to the verification of our suppliers, including certifications for the products they deliver.”

parteneriat izotec

“With high morale and a wealth of ideas within the Izotec Group team, we managed to quickly reconfigure our business strategy and launch a new range of premium windows at a standard price. With this new product, we wanted to offer window dealers a unique opportunity to remain relevant during the economic crisis. These windows undergo numerous tests; in addition to low external noise levels, controlled ventilation, and easy maneuverability, premium windows produced by Izotec Group offer increased security against thieves. We carefully select and collaborate only with verified and certified raw material suppliers to be recognized and appreciated for the high quality and safety standards of our products.”

We want to provide more value to Romanian products that we sell in European markets and beyond through our investments in technology and our behavior in the market. We are one of the important producers in Romania; over time, we have set milestones in our industry and continue to stay at the top of the region. In Romania, many focus on price and forget that they actually need good windows! People need to take the time to understand the benefits of a quality product. We have taken on this role of educating the market, even if it costs us more than we can integrate into the final price.”

… about sustainability:

“Not only is it expensive to heat a home, but we also need to look decades ahead, for the generations to come, because sooner or later, the resources we have will run out. So, it’s necessary for us to consume as little as possible.”

I want windows to be a part of those buildings that endure; we should no longer be those superficial people who build today and see it crumble tomorrow. We should be part of a world where we build something sustainable. People need to change their perception of windows because it’s about their money and the planet’s life. My vision comes from both entrepreneurial experience and, especially, from studying what’s happening in the world, where humanity is headed. Through our investments in technology, we aim to provide high-quality, affordable thermopane windows. We want to teach more Romanians to see house windows as more than just a purchase, to see them as an investment in the future.”

“Our resources are becoming increasingly limited, so saving energy through windows produced with lower resource consumption and that help reduce the maintenance costs of a home has become a priority. We found solutions and looked long-term. We paid attention to all the company’s processes to make them more efficient. We reached a new production line based on specific needs: energy savings, which means lower resource consumption; increased productivity for high-performance products, ultimately with a positive impact on the environment; and the need to make work easier and protect employees’ health over time.”

echipa izotec noiembrie 2024

… about people:

In recent years, every morning, for at least half an hour, I read and educate myself. In my existence, this is a fixed point. The role of an entrepreneur – and not just an entrepreneur – is to learn daily. I know it’s hard, but it’s not possible without daily learning. Entrepreneurs and Romanian society still have a lot to realize. We need to take the time to study every day. Unfortunately, I understood this late; until then, I thought the role of an entrepreneur was to solve operational problems every day. I understood late that if I don’t keep learning, I’ll fall behind because things change at an incredibly fast pace. If I hadn’t imposed a change, it was clear that I was out of the game! The lack of awareness of this is probably one of the reasons many Romanian businesses don’t stand the test of time. There’s a risk that we, entrepreneurs, instead of reading, studying, and learning, stay only in business and delude ourselves that we know everything.”

“Every person should start with the premise that the only thing they have 100% control over is themselves and, therefore, they need to gather as much information as possible, to know as much as possible, to share. It’s one of the reasons why I try as much as possible to help my employees develop. At first, I wasn’t comfortable preparing employees, and then some of them left. Now, very naturally, without any reservations, I help them develop. At first, it was more difficult to overcome some barriers. Slowly, the habit took root. It’s important for people to read and think about how valuable ideas could be applied in their lives. I do it for them, not for myself. Paradoxically, they don’t leave anymore. Furthermore, by investing in high-performance equipment, work on the production lines has become easier, without handling a large number of kilograms, without risks for personnel, without endangering people’s health.”

“As entrepreneurs, we need to be closer to people involved in social and cultural fields, to stand by them. I pay attention to this, but not as much as I should. It’s an important aspect for the future of entrepreneurs and the country – they are closely linked. Romanian entrepreneurs who support culture are needed because a people without culture have no chance of doing extraordinary things that endure. Similarly, a people in which individuals don’t take care of each other has no hope. If entrepreneurs withdraw into their bubble without empathy or feelings, they cannot live a happy life. If I were to go and live in a desert, in a castle with everything, would I be happy?”

“On the other hand, I understood late that having a good heart is not enough. You can be as good as an angel, but how much good can you do if you have nothing to share? Take zero and share it! It remains zero! Take zero and be generous with zero! It’s impossible! Entrepreneurs need to gather the community, the best in it, and support it in all aspects – sports, culture, and the environment. This would complete the circle. We should produce a lot of added value to be able to share because we have to share and give back what we have achieved with the community’s help. Therefore, society needs those people who can create added value. Society also needs those who can only offer their two hands, but they will never be enough.”

Who would you like to work with?

Join us to change the business environment in Romania!